What We Do
We work collaboratively with families and community partners to develop strategies so that children can remain safely with their families and to change the legacy of Indigenous children growing up in care, disconnected from family, culture and community.
Our Delegated Social Workers, Family Enhancement Workers, Family Preservation Counsellors and Family Cultural Connections Workers determine barriers to children remaining in homes and develop comprehensive and holistic plans to support children and families staying together. That can mean providing practical hands-on support for things such as conflict resolution, life skills and parenting skills. It can also mean healing circles with Elders, or intensive therapeutic help. At the heart of this is collaborative practice meetings where staff work collaboratively with the family to find solutions to problems.
Our goal is to increase the use of out of care options to avoid stranger care and keep children with extended family.
Specific Supports Include:
- Assist and support parents to achieve speedy reunification when possible;
- Facilitate family growth and development through the provision of home support visits and family education programs;
- Risk identification and reduction;
- Provide referrals to community services;
- Assisting individuals in developing strong cultural identity.