WHO: | Any caregiver needing help or wanting information. |
WHAT: | List of resources for caregivers. |
1 (800) 663 - 9393 [email protected] |
Fostering involves providing a positive support network for children and families, based on mutual respect. Nurturing and caring people are recruited to provide temporary homes for children who cannot live in their own homes. Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS) develop resources and environments for children in care and their families who need support, guidance and encouragement. Throughout these services, we offer orientation and ongoing training for foster parents.
As a foster parent, you are part of a team with the common goal of returning children home. You are a valuable team member, and you can always ask for help if you have concerns or require further information. Remember you are not alone!
We are always looking for people to help foster care, please contact the Residential Resources team if you are interested in this rewarding experience. There are several other support services available in British Columbia, including:
- The BC Federation of Foster Parent Associations (BCFFPA) is a provincial organization run by foster parents. It supports foster families in their work as caregivers and advocates quality service for children in care.
- The BCFFPA has about 70 local associations across British Columbia. They provide education and training, organize social activities for foster families, support them with ‘buddy systems’ and self-help groups, and work in partnership with ministry staff on special programs or projects. The BCFFPA operates the Fosterline 1 800 663-9999.
- The Representative for Children and Youth supports children, youth and families who need help dealing with the child welfare system, and advocates for changes to the system itself. If a foster parent is concerned that a child or youth may have a need or issue that is not adequately being addressed, the representative may have a role. For more information visit their website or call 1 800 476-3933.
- The Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia, Children and Youth Services, upholds legal and financial rights of children under the age of 19 by ensuring adequate legal representation and also by holding and administering funds intrust for children and youth.
- The Ombudsperson of BC receives inquiries and complaints about the practices and services provided by public agencies. While not an advocate, the Ombudsperson can conduct impartial and confidential investigations to determine if a public agency is being fair to the people it serves.